The show is based on the global travels of a doctor who explores the health values of regional foods, along with the history and culture surrounding them.

Season 1 of Eat, Heal, Travel is slated for release in early 2019, distributed nationally to PBS and will reach more than 90% of the US market and all major Canadian cities – more than 290 million viewers.

Explore with us the rich history of chocolate and our fascination with this special food. From its early use in the Aztec culture to the form we enjoy today. Chocolate has made the trek from the New World to the Old World and back. Along with its soothing effects, chocolate is said to have curative properties including anti-inflammatory and protection of the cardiovascular system. (In Development)

Red wine dates back to the beginning of time. It is referenced in history, folklore, and mythology.   At one time it was safer to drink wine than water. What did our ancestors know about the health benefits of this drink that we are just starting to learn about now.

Substances called polyphenols in the skin of the grapes that make red wine have been said to offer protection against blood clots and heart disease. This has lead to the observation that there is a low incidence of heart disease among the French who drink red wine regularly, despite eating a diet rich in fat.

We will visit the wine regions in France and learn which grapes have the highest levels of polyphenols and which wines are made from them. We will attempt to answer the question: Is a glass of red wine a day really the explanation for “The French Paradox”? (In Development)

No food could claim the healthy benefits that oily fish can. Salmon, sardines, herring and trout are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids as well as multiple vitamins, and they are low in mercury. These fish are also as delicious as they are nutritious. Join us as we travel to the Pacific Northwest and follow the migration of salmon, fish the riverbeds for trout, and explore the history of sardine canning in Monterey’s Cannery Row. Learn how to prepare easy and delicious salmon recipes at home.

What is the Mediterranean diet and where did it come from. The ancient diet of the Greeks and Romans is based on clean eating, promoting long life and a healthy heart. The Mediterranean diet is making its way into our culinary landscape today. Trace the diet thru southern Greece and Sardinia.

Green tea originates in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province and enjoyed all over the world for its calming and health restoring properties.

Over twenty percent of our produce is wasted every year simply because of cosmetic imperfections. Yet, these foods are perfectly nutritious and taste the same as their “perfect” counterparts.  Find out in this episode how you can cut your food bill, eat healthier, and save the environment just by looking past the initial appearance of these fruits and vegetables.

Explore the history and culture of bison in America. Once the staple diet for Native Americans, bison is making a comeback.

Turmeric is a spice that is used worldwide. Spanning multiple cultures, turmeric has as many uses as it has healing and medicinal qualities. We will uncover the evidence for using turmeric in treating symptoms of arthritis, preventing cancer, and even decreasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

High in energy, low in fat and easy to grow, this starchy root provides the basic staple in the diet for half a billion people. It is also used as great source of biofuel in countries such as China and Brazil.

In this episode we will explore the special healing powers contained in this tropical fruit and why it is the newest craze in alternative energy drinks.

Nori and edible sea vegetables have been enjoyed for centuries for their taste and nutritional values. Learn how these amazing superfoods could help heal your body and prevent disease.

Healing Waters – exploring the world of mineral and spring waters. Do they really help you live longer? Does enjoying a hot spring or mineral bath have any effect on your health? Find out in this episode.

What Ponce de Leon didn’t know about the foods and traditions that could help keep you looking young.

Eat Well, Live Long, and Travel Far!